About the Granny Goosefoot Series

Stories for Your Little Ones        

         The primary reasons for my writing the Granny Goes to---series of stories is because I wanted to provide some nice reading material for the little ones in my circle and others, not necessarily known to me, but to those others who had the stories read to them and enjoyed them so much.  I always tried to incorporate some of the farm animals in each story that I figured even the youngest ones would recognize and so far they have known them.

Granny Goosefoot Goes On a Cruise


Great Stories to Read to Your Kids

            It was a way to allow for interaction between the moms, dads and other readers who enjoy reading to the little ones.  Once the little ones have heard a story read to them the reader can ask each one of the toddlers to point their fingers to the horsie, moo-cow, pig and other farm animals in the story.  In this way they can recognize and memorize the sounds of each of the animals.

A Goose With a Sense of Adventure

            I started with a big plump white goose as my central character.  I figure all the children would recognize her for what she was.  She could lay eggs and leave them in her bed of straw.  She could go on exciting adventures all over the United States, just like those being read to could do. 

Granny Goosefot Bed of Straw


Granny Goosefoot is Born

            To give her adventures to go on, I sat and thought about all the things I have done in my young years and decided Granny could take my own place in the stories.  I believe that was an excellent idea.

Recognizable Animals Kids Will Love

            By using animals they could recognize and things she could do the same as they, I could add in each of the stories almost anything, either a moral or a safety lesson in each one that might help protect the children as they grew older.  I chose places I had been to or things I had done that they could relate to and easily understand in the hopes that it would help them develop and improve their ability to read and understand stories.

Granny Goosefot and Her Animal Friends

Granny Goosefoot is an Adventuresome Soul

            Granny actually gets to go to a few places I have never visited but always wanted to see, like the Empire State Building in New York City; the cable cars in San Francisco; Santa Claus land and others.  In her upcoming Halloween Adventure, she may even visit a creepy house.

Granny Goosefoot Doesn't Float Very Well for a Goose😔

            And since so many of the children who see the books see that at times Granny’s face is green it means I am giving her the same look I get when I get sea sick.  I’m sure if I could see my own face while I’m chumming the fish, or getting off a ferris wheel my own face would be just as green because I have been there and done that several times.


Helen C. Ayers


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Granny Goes to the Cruise Ship

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