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Learn About Your Soil Health

Want to know which microbes are living in your soil and if it contains enough beneficial microbes?

My Soil Biology Microscopy Assessments will give you a starting point and help you track progress in your soil regeneration.

I help Farmers, Growers, Landscapers and Compost makers implement soil regeneration practices with a focus on soil biology. I also produce and sell biologically rich Thermo-Compost and Vermicompost soil amendments.

Give me a Call 1-256-665-7500 Email:

What is the Soil Food Web

The Soil Food Web refers to all living things within our soils. The microbes within our soils affect plant health the most. Microbes are responsible for feeding and protecting all surfaces of the plant and it's local environment. The composition of soil microbes can vary greatly from one spot to the next.

A healthy Soil Food Web (SFW) provides plants with all the nutrients they need. Healthy plants are further protected from problems, pests and diseases. The SFW is responsible for sequestering carbon in the soil. A healthy Soil Food Web builds soil structure, increases water holding capacity and further suppressing diseases through soil aeration.

A healthy Soil Food Web results in healthier plants that produce more flavorful, nutrient dense foods without the need for fertilizers, sprays, chemicals or other types of inputs.

A healthy Soil Food Web can reverse the effects of climate change.

The Soil Food Web is easily killed off by modern farming practices. Most all farm soils today are classified as "bacterial dominant" dirt lacking in most all the micro-organism components of the Soil Food Web.