How to Kill Baby Roaches
How to Kill Baby Roaches
Baby roaches are a menace, and if you see them in your home, then the chances are that you've got an infestation. While most babies in the animal kingdom often look adorable, baby roaches are the complete opposite. Often, and I know you can back me up on this, their wild scatter across the table is enough to send chills up the meanest, strongest person's spine, but that's why we're here. If you in the woods of Brown County, you're going to see these guys, sometime, somewhere.
We've done our research (we know a guy) and come up with eight strategies (it wasn't easy) you could use to get rid of your baby roach problem for good (hopefully).
Let's start with some fun.
The first strategy is quite simple, straightforward, and easy to follow. All you need is some salt, a stick, vinegar, and a rock. If you do it right, then it's likely that the roaches will be pissed off, pack up, and vacate your premises ASAP.
How do you go about it?
Well, you start with placing all these items strategically. The baby roach will eat the salt, thinking it's some sugar. They'll get thirsty and drink the vinegar, thinking that it's water. The baby roach will get dizzy, stumble backward, trip on the stick, hit its head on the rock, and die. When the other roaches see this, they will know you mean business and vacate your premises.
If this strategy doesn't work, then it means that you have a major problem. Your roaches have probably been to the Gulag and back, and it's about time you made strategic modifications to your approach.
This next section is meant to provide you with information on how to arm yourself, plan a better approach, and destroy your roach infestation. Here are seven more ways you could go about it.
Investigate and inspect the infested site
The first step you'll need to take before investing in a plan of attack is to investigate the infested site. Inspecting the site helps you determine how big your problem may be and what appropriate measures you'll need to put into place to get rid of the roaches and prevent further infestations.
- What do you do when a Hungarian roach tells terrible jokes at open mike? Budapest.
Look for potential sources of infestation.
Next, you'll have to determine the potential source of infestation to determine what may be causing the roaches to thrive in your home. You'll need to look for various signs of dirty or rotten surroundings, poor sanitary conditions, and dirty water sources.
Cleaning your surroundings and getting rid of all garbage could help minimize your cockroach infestation. While this is a great approach, it doesn't always work on its own. Often, you'll find yourself relying on other methods of extermination to rid yourself of the pests.
- You are always brave till you realize a cockroach has wings.
Seven methods you could use to get rid of baby roaches.
1. Use Roach traps
Your first step for eliminating baby roaches is by using roach traps. This is great compared to using sprays and powder since it's generally safer, and it allows you to determine how extensive your roach infestation is. Often, gel cockroach baits are the most preferred type of cockroach bait; however, you could do some research and determine the best option.
It may not work as quickly as intended at times. However, you could try moving the traps around and placing them in different locations. Doing this will give you' a rough idea of where you'll need to begin your exterminations.
Roaches aren't the easiest insects to kill. Thus, using traps or baits is the best strategy that you could take. The idea behind baiting roaches is that baby roaches look for food as soon as they are born. They'll go ahead and consume the first edible thing they find; if this happens to be the bait, then that's a win.
They could die close to the bait or, better yet, make their way to the nest before dying. If they die after reaching the nest, the chances are that the other roaches will consume them and die. You could go ahead and use sprays and powders once you've figured out where the roaches have made their nests.
2. Borax
This is the next best option that you could use to kill baby roaches. Borax is a simple powder that's often used as a laundry booster and for household cleaning. The powder dries out the baby roaches' exoskeleton, causing them to dehydrate and die.
You have to note that the powder isn't an instant roach killer. However, it has one benefit that could prove useful. There's a high chance that the roaches could drag the powder into the nest and infect the other roaches.
How to apply:
You'll need to sprinkle the powder around your home in locations that roaches frequently run around. You could sprinkle it in the kitchen counters, cracks and other tiny spaces, and under electronic appliances. The powder isn't overly toxic; however, it would still be good if you took care not to place it in open places that children and pets can access.
- Cockroach to a man trying to kill him- "You want to kill me because your wife is more afraid of me."
3. Soap and water
If, after your investigation, you discover that you are dealing with a few baby roaches, then you could try using a soap and water solution. You could spray this solution in cracks and crevices where the roaches are likely to have formed nests. The soap in the solution will clog their pores when it dries, causing the roaches to asphyxiate and die.
- Roaches are terrified of rats
Rats are terrified of cats and
Cats are terrified of dogs and
Dogs are terrified of men and
Men are terrified of women and
Women are terrified of roaches
4. Boric acid and sugar
Boric acid is an excellent roach killer, and it works similarly to borax. However, the difference between the two is that Boric acid is much more toxic. Thus, it wouldn't be a good idea to use it if you live with children or pets. But, if you do, then ensure that you keep it out of their reach at all times.
Boric acid and sugar work together to eliminate the roaches. The sugar attracts the roach to the trap, and the acid kills it. The acid dries the roach's exoskeleton, which causes it to die from dehydration. However, there is one downside, and that is- you'll have to clean lots of dead roaches the next morning.
Note: it would be great to clean up the dead roaches since leaving them behind provides the other roaches with a food source. Plus, dead roaches leave behind a powerful stench that no one would like to deal with.
5. Use roach sprays
Roach sprays are designed to work on insect nests and infestations. If you want the best results, then the best thing to do would be to investigate and mark the most probable nesting locations. This will be the hardest thing you'll do, but you've got no option. They could be in between relatively small crevices on walls, in wardrobes, kitchen sinks, etc.
Choose any reliable, inexpensive insecticide and target areas that the cockroaches are likely to be, i.e., cracks, the space between doors (windows) and doorframes, etc. Remember that the roaches are quite fast, and you'll have to be even faster when they begin to scatter. (Oh! And you'll probably be 100% terrified when they start running).
6. Use IGRs (Insect Growth Regulators)
If you want to prevent the problem from worsening, the best option would be to use IGRs. Insect Growth Regulators do not kill the roaches immediately; they prevent them from reaching maturity and reproducing.
Using IGRs is a better backup since it prevents the problem from getting worse. For instance, if you apply some of the measures mentioned above to exterminate all roaches from your home, there is a high probability that you won't get the whole lot.
Keeping in mind how fast roaches reproduce, the chances are that the few stragglers will reproduce and repopulate your home in no time. Thus, the best option would be to use IGRs on the egg cases and baby roaches to prevent them from reproducing.
But how do IGRs work? Insect Growth Regulators work by introducing the roaches to juvenile hormones that prevent them from molting and, consequently, not growing into fertile adults. They die once their lifespan is over, and once they are dead, you would have eliminated the entire population in your home.
7. Hire a professional exterminator
Sometimes doing it yourself won't work as expected, and you'll have to look for other means to solve your baby roach issue. If you suspect that you could be experiencing a severe cockroach infestation, then the best thing to do would be to hire pest control services to get rid of your baby roach problem ASAP.
Professional exterminators have the necessary tools, information, and experience to detect roach nests and determine the best extermination strategies.
They'll offer alternatives, take precautions and ensure that everything runs as it should. That said, it would be good to make them aware if you have pets or if your children are around.
- Cockroach - " I can make your girlfriend scream louder than you."
How fast do baby roaches multiply?
Seeing one baby roach means there are more and even worse a nest (or even several nests) of baby roaches. Baby roaches don't break free from their nests, walk several miles, and set up shop in your home.
However, there is a chance that the baby roaches were transported to your home from a hotel, motel, or some other property. In such cases, getting rid of the roaches is relatively simpler. However, if you see one baby roach, then you'll have to be prepared to do anything and everything you can to get rid of the pests. Basically, this means war.
If you thought rabbits reproduce rapidly, then you haven't dealt with roaches. You could compare a roach's rate of reproduction to a rabbit's put-on steroids. For instance, roach egg cases contain 16 eggs on average, and the roach produces two egg cases weekly. That's a gazillion.
If half (or more than half) of these baby roaches survive, grow, mature, and reproduce, then the chances are that you'll be facing a severe infestation in a very short period. This reason alone should cause you to look for ways to curb the infestation before it goes too far.
- Seeing a roach on your bed isn't a big deal. The problem starts when they disappear.
How long do you have before the problem goes too far?
If it's your first time seeing baby roaches, then the chances are that the infestation hasn't gone too far. As such, you could take the necessary measures required to ensure that you get rid of the cockroach infestation.
Roaches go through several molting processes as they grow from their nymph stage to their adult stage. Cockroach nymphs take 20 to 60 days to hatch and a further 40 to 160 days to develop into adulthood. Baby roaches go through 6 to 7 instars (inter-molt transitional phases) before they reach adulthood. However, the length of time taken depends on the environment's temperature and the roach's species.
What risks do roach infestations come with?
Seeing (or the thought of) roaches running throughout your kitchen and hiding in cupboards is unsightly. However, many people still wonder whether cockroach infestations have other risks.
Both adult and baby roaches carry diseases that can quickly spread throughout your home, causing you and your family members to get sick. Roaches breed in the sewers and feast on garbage.
Baby roaches born in these conditions could carry bacteria and viruses that they can spread around the home. They will contaminate the surfaces in your home and food, which is why it would be a great idea to deal with them as soon as you spot them.
Roaches could carry up to 3 different types of bacteria. These germs could cause you and your family to get sick from diseases like dysentery, typhoid, leprosy, diarrhea, and other viral diseases.
Every baby roach in your home is capable of producing hundreds of more roaches in a very short period. Therefore, please take the appropriate steps to ensure that your problem is remedied as soon as possible.
- My husband sprayed, swept, and cleaned the kitchen because he thought there were some roaches. I'm placing a fake roach in our bathroom tomorrow.
Baby roaches are a menace; however, if you think you can avoid them for now and deal with them later, you couldn't be further from the truth. Adult roaches are bigger, scarier, faster, and ready to breed.
Thus, if you notice baby roaches in your home, then the best approach would be to get rid of them as soon as you can. However, ensure that you've taken enough precautions to prevent any accidents. In case of an accident, ensure that you read and follow the packaging's warning label and visit the doctor as soon as possible. I could tell you to have fun, but we both know how this ends.