As long as old men sit around and tell stories about old women, and they'll do it on the Liar's Bench, located (or it used to be), in front of the Brown Count Court House. Tall tales have been told for generations by old men on the liar's bench. Come on down to Nashville, Indiana and sit a'spell. Tell your own tall tale. Spin the yarn to top em all off.
For 21 years my mom, Helen Ayers, was the general manager of the Brown County Democrat, the only newspaper published in Brown County, and frequently rated the blue- ribbon newspaper in Indiana, and for those 21 years, she was one of the main writers and producers of this newspaper.
Learn about the fascinating history of the founding of Brown County, Indiana. Discover where it got its name, when the state of Indiana was founded and about Brown County State Park. Find out what the second choice of county seat was as well as the first choice, and why the second choice one. Find out which townships had to give up land to make way for one of the largest reservoirs in Indiana.